Music From the Book
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This tune was composed as a Slow Air by Charlie Glendinning in
1975, then rearranged as a "calypso" hornpipe/reel in 1985. This track is
from the Tunes of Glory album recorded in 1987 by the Scottish and
Irish Imports Pipe Band (now City of Washington). "Andy's Lullabye" was also recorded by the Tokyo
Pipe Band on their CD, A Far East Ceilidh, and by the Black Watch in
1998 on their Ladies From Hell CD, but the Black Watch credited the
tune as "Traditional."
Jane's Song
(MP3 file, 668KB, 1:25)
Jane's Song was composed by Andrew Douglas in 2001 in honor of Jane Spicer.
Andrew performs it here on Highland pipes at the Invermark College of Piping in July 2002.
Composed by Charlie Glendinning in 1972, MacRae Meadow is performed here
by Charlie and Paula Glendinning in 2002 on Gibson Fireside Pipes and Naill
practice chanter.
(MP3 file, 570KB, 1:12)
Performed by Charlie and Paula Glendinning in 2002 on Washburn guitar and
Gibson Fireside Pipes, Mijas was composed by Charlie Glendinning in 2001.
This tune begs for djimbe and other percussion accompaniment.
"The rhythmic flow of the piece suggests flamenco, which may have been
inspired by the old gentleman who regularly performs guitar from the balcony
of his home near the town square [in Mijas, Spain]. A wonderful band tune for
the concert environment, the music passionately drives with a 21/8 time
signature and it would be an excellent test piece for percussionists to
produce an exciting accompaniment."
- Barry Donaldson, from his review of The Glendinning Collection in the Winter 2001 issue of the VOICE.
(MP3 file, 700KB, 1:29)
Composed by Charlie Glendinning in 1984, this track is from the Tunes of Glory
album recorded in 1987 by the Scottish and Irish Imports Pipe Band.
A recording of Chris Hamilton at the "Winter Storm" concert in Kansas
City, January 2002. Chris was playing MacLellan drones and a Kron chanter.